Status Pages

Show your uptime on a status page.

  • checkmark Website and API monitoring built-in
  • checkmark Flexible incident management
  • checkmark Beautiful and customizable

Build trust in your service.

Communicate incidents and showcase your reliability. Display historical and ongoing outages. Your customers can answer their questions without going through support first.

Reduce the time needed to resolve issues.

Keep your customers and internal teams in-sync when you need it most. Simplify incident management by keeping it all in one place and let your team focus on resolving the issue.

Ensure the right level of communication.

Create a public status page for your company, or private pages for your internal teams. Control who has access to your status page with IP allowlists and password protection.

You're in great company

Join 60,000+ developers, and thousands of customers all around the globe.

Why you need a Status Page

Picture this — it's 2 a.m. and your phone is ringing with an on-call alert. Production is down, and there's a flood of support tickets. Your boss want's to know what's going on and when they can access the site again.

Your team is focused on fixing the issue — the first rule of incident response is to stop the bleeding — but it's making it difficult to keep everyone in the loop during the heat of the outage.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a single page where you could publish incident updates that your customers could see in real-time? Enter Cronitor status pages. Create a beautiful and fast status page in minutes that will help you:

  • Showcase your reliability. Help your users see how reliable and performant your services are. This builds trust and sets the right expectations on what your SLAs are.
  • Share incident updates. Simplify incident management by publishing updates from one place. Your team doesn't have to use different platforms to communicate incidents.
  • Automate incident creation and resolution. Monitoring platforms - such as Cronitor - create and resolve incidents for you. This frees up time for your team and ensures the status on your page is always accurate.
  • Reduce support tickets. Be transparent about past and ongoing outages. Your customers can answer their questions without going through support first.

Showcase reliability

Build trust in your service and showcase historical uptime and performance.

Best practices for status pages ->

Communicate incidents

Publish your own incidents, or configure built-in monitors to automatically manage them for you.

Best practices for incident communication ->

Monitoring control center

One dashboard with a bird's eye view on every job, heartbeat, website and API uptime check.

Maintenance windows

Inform your customers and internal teams of maintenance windows and avoid surprises.

Internal status pages

Control who can access your pages with password protection and IP allowlists.

Developer friendly

Create and manage your status pages using our simple API, create and resolve incidents using custom integrations.

Incident feeds

Every status page comes with its own RSS feed so your customers can be notified of incidents as they happen.

Shareable incident links

Keep everyone on the same page with shareable incident URLs and historical incidents.

Make it your own

Add your company logo, custom domain and support links so your customers know they're in the right place.

Case Study

Aloft uses Cronitor to monitor realtime flight data and stay in compliance.

Read More →
Case Study GreatWaves

GreatWaves uses Cronitor to automate WiFi deployments and rollbacks.

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"Cronitor has increased our Operations staff's efficiency and responsiveness immensely. Their spin on micro-monitoring represents a best-in-class solution to the age old problem of visibility."

Ethan Erchinger Director of Operations

"I was finding too many cases where our cron jobs would silently fail - we sometimes would not find out for days that a job was broken. Cronitor gives our team the confidence and peace of mind that if a job is not running, we'll know fast."

Gary Malouf VP of Technology

"Before we used Cronitor, we had an important data backup job fail silently for over a month. We use Cronitor so that will never happen again!"

Natalie Gordon CEO

Monitoring for Developers