

Lark (aka LarkSuite) is a popular team collaboration platform. In Lark, incoming connections from services like Cronitor are called "Custom Bots". To integrate with Lark, follow these steps to register a Custom Bot and add it to Cronitor:

From Lark:

  1. Read and follow Step 1 in the Lark guide to Custom Bots available here.
  2. After completing Step 1, copy the webhook URL and click Finish. The webhook URL will look like this:
  3. You're done in Lark. You'll need the Webhook URL later.

From Cronitor:

  1. From the Settings > Integrations page, click the Create Integration button and select Lark.
  2. Give this integration a name. This will be used in the Cronitor UI.
  3. Give this integration a unique identifier. This can be used in the Cronitor API.
  4. Paste the provided Lark Webhook URL and press "Create Integration" to complete the integration.
  5. Next, you'll be prompted to add this integration to one or more Notification Lists.
  6. You're done. You can repeat this process to connect Cronitor to different servers