

Integrate Cronitor with your system by registering a webhook URL for Cronitor to call when your monitors fail and recover.

Cronitor can send webhook alerts to any URL that can accept an HTTP POST request. You can create routes within your own application, or register Cronitor as a webhook sender in connector systems like Zapier or IFTTT.

Webhooks include the following fields:

  • id - string - The unique key for the monitor that generated the alert
  • monitor - string - The name of the monitor that generated the alert
  • description - string - A description of the alert
  • type - enum RECOVERY|ALERT - Whether this is an alert or a recovery from a previous alert
  • rule - string - The specific assertion/rule violation that led to the alert
  • environment - string - The environment this alert was generated for
  • group - string - The name of the group this monitor belongs to, or null
  • issue_url - url - A link to the issue details
  • monitor_url - url - A link to the monitor details

Adding a new Webhook

  1. From the Settings > Integrations page, click the Create Integration button and select Webhooks.
  2. Give the webhook a name. This will be used in the Cronitor UI.
  3. Give the webhook a unique identifier. This can be used in the Cronitor API.
  4. Add the URL that will receive the webhook POST requests and press "Create Integration" to complete the integration.
  5. Next, you'll be prompted to add this integration to one or more Notification Lists.
  6. You're done